Cocktail of the Week: Spiked, Rosemary, Peach Lemonade
I will be meeting tonight with some of my favorite ladies and was inspired to bring an “Adult” beverage. This large batch recipe works well for any summertime gathering and can be cut in half or easily doubled for a big crowd. A perfect refreshment for a summertime shower, barbeque or for a meeting of very deserving volunteers. Cheers!
1 ½ cups Vodka
½ cup Cointreau (or your favorite citrus flavored liquor)
1 cup Rosemary Syrup*
1 ½ cup Fresh Lemon Juice (approximately 6 lemons)
3 Fresh Peaches
Club soda or Seltzer
One Lemon for garnish
2 sprigs of fresh Rosemary for garnish
Cut two of the peaches into chunks and puree. Pour Lemon Juice and Rosemary Syrup into a large pitcher, add pureed Peach and stir well. Add Vodka and Cointreau. Slice the lemon into thinly-sliced wheels and remove any seeds before adding to the pitcher. Slice the last peach and add to the pitcher. Add the Rosemary sprigs to the pitcher. Stir well. Add club soda or seltzer to taste – approximately one liter. If the Lemonade is too sweet, add additional lemon juice. Add ice to the pitcher or pour over ice and serve. Mmmmm.
*To make Rosemary Syrup, place 2 – 3 sprigs of Rosemary in a small saucepan. Muddle the rosemary slightly with a muddler or the back of the spoon – to release the flavor. Add 1 cup sugar and 1 cup water to the saucepan and heat on medium heat. Stir until sugar is dissolved. The longer you simmer, the stronger the Rosemary flavor – you do not want the Rosemary to overwhelm the fruit so simmer on low for just a few minutes and then cover and let the Rosemary steep into the Syrup for another 10 – 20 minutes. Let Syrup cool before mixing into cocktails. Store Rosemary Syrup in a tightly closed glass jar in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.
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