Cocktail of the Week: Thin Mint Martini
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and nothing says “I love you” like girl scout cookies! So buy a box or two of your favorites and then toast to the women of Girl Scouts as you sip this minty martini!
2 oz Vodka
1 oz Crème de Menthe Liquor + 2 tsp for garnish
1 oz Godiva or your favorite Chocolate Liquor
2 Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies – and more for snacking
Crush two Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies into fine cookie crumbs; this takes just a minute in a food processor, spice mill or blender but you can chop or smash the cookies any way you like. Pour 2 teaspoons of Crème de Menthe on a plate, pour the crushed cookies on another plate. Dredge the rim of a glass through the Crème de Menthe and then dredge the coated rim through the cookie crumbs. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice, add Vodka, Crème de Menthe, Chocolate Liquor and a teaspoon of cookie crumbs. Shake well and then strain as you pour into the prepared martini glass. Sip and enjoy! #thinmintthursday
For over 100 years Girl Scouts have been building girls with courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. There is much more to Girl Scouts than cookies! But when you see cookie sellers this season, buy generously, enjoy the cookies and know you are contributing to our future. Can’t find Girl Scout cookies? Send me a message and I hook you up with cookie sellers.
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